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Maximizing Your 2024 Marketing Budget: Deploying the Power of an Enterprise Marketing Platform

It’s Q4 2023 (how did that happen already?!) and most teams are shifting gears — planning and gaining approvals of their 2024 budget. This typically involves a review of the current year’s wins, losses and spend, along with careful consideration of next year’s goals, proposed marketing strategies and how to make the most of your potential budget. This is usually when there’s discussion of an enterprise marketing plan.  


What is enterprise marketing?

Simply put, enterprise marketing is marketing on grand scale. Sometimes referred to as a fully-integrated strategy, this includes multiple channels and a mix of platforms and tactics, requiring a substantial budget and across-functional team. Enterprise marketing is ambitious and comprehensive, and it aims to reach a broad audience and achieve specific goals.


What are the challenges of enterprise marketing?

Planning enterprise-level marketing campaigns is complex —  it comes with a variety of moving parts and requires coordination. The goals are lofty, and the stakes are even higher, and it all comes with budget demands. Moreover, aligning strategies across different channels and ensuring consistent messaging across platforms can be overwhelming.

A marketing automation platform can help you work smart and will add value by simplifying complexities, streamlining your processes and creating efficiencies.

Here’s a few points to consider:

Centralized Coordination: Enterprise marketing platforms provide a centralized hub where all marketing activities can be managed, allowing teams to collaborate seamlessly. This centralized approach and access ensures that everyone – vendor partners, channel partners, sales teams and others  –  will all be on the same page, equipped with the tools they need to execute, leading to cohesive and consistent campaigns.

Multi-Channel Integration: One of the many advantages of using a marketing automation platform is the ability to integrate multiple channels. This one-stop shop will enable you and your channel partners to synchronize and deploy your strategy seamlessly using email marketing, social media, paid advertising, print materials and more, maximizing your reach and impact.

Data-Driven Decision Making: Marketing automation tools collect and analyze data, offering valuable insights into customer behavior and campaign performance. This data will empower you to make informed decisions and be more agile –  enabling you to adjust and optimize your strategies, including allocating your budget effectively to initiatives that yield the best results.


What does IRIS Gearbox offer?

Power and versatility. By leveraging the IRIS Gearbox platform, you’ll benefit from a suite of tools such as

·        Digital asset management for each of your unique user groups, including channel partners and vendors

·        Insights and analytics: real-time tracking of your strategy, activities and results

·        Co-Op and MDF management – enabling your channel partners to represent your brand and  extend your reach


Remember, the enablement of successful enterprise marketing is about more than your budget allocation, it’s utilizing that budget wisely and efficiently. By investing in a reliable marketing automation platform like IRIS Gearbox, you can navigate the challenges of multi-channel marketing, optimize your strategies and work transparently with your colleagues in sales, finance and procurement.

Let us help you make the most of your 2024 marketing budget. Request a demo.

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